Yap Un Han 叶恩汉

1914 - 1995
Pastor, theological educator

Rev Yap Un Han was born in 1914 on Gulangyu Island of Xiamen in Fujian Province, China. He graduated from Xiamen University with a bachelor’s degree in Arts.

In 1938, Yap came with his family to Singapore. The following year, he consecrated his life for Christian ministry when he heard John Sung preach at a gospel rally in Kuala Lumpur. Yap served as a preacher in the Methodist Church there from 1940-41. Then he went to Medan, Indonesia, and served in the Methodist Church for 17 years. 

Yap’s wife died due to complications after the birth of their third child. Prior to her death, she had encouraged Yap to marry one of the church members who was then serving the Lord full-time. Yap married Lin Jin Ling and together with her, returned to Singapore in 1959 where he served fervently as a pastor and theological educator.[1] He shepherded the Church of Christ in Malaya, while serving as administrator and teacher in the Singapore Bible College (SBC). 

Between 1962 and 1969, SBC was run by an administrative committee chaired by Yap, with two missionaries, Ernest Poulson and  Betty Laing, as members. This joint leadership greatly enriched and blessed the early beginnings of SBC.

Yap and the board of management worked tirelessly to develop the new campus. In 1968, the building of Block 1 (classrooms, offices, dormitories, and worship hall) with the support of many churches and friends was undertaken. In 1969, in appreciation of Yap’s administrative ability and godly leadership, the board appointed him as the third principal of SBC. Yap served in this role till 1978. 

In 1977, after the completion of the building of Block 2 (faculty housing, a community dining hall and library), Yap passed the baton to Rev Dr Maak Hay Chun and supported him as principal emeritus. With astute foresight, the leadership team also purchased the property at 13 Adam Road in 1977. 

In December 1978, at a dinner celebrating his 65th birthday, Yap shared candidly: “The eighties may be my last days, but is this old man dispensable? No, I shall still seek God’s will!”[2] Not long afterwards, his beloved wife, Mdm Lin Jin Ling, fell ill with Parkinson’s disease. Gradually, instead of walking, she started to shuffle and eventually, she was bed-ridden. For four years, Yap exemplified a faithful and loving husband as he took care of her. He cared for her with steadfast devotion till God called her home. Yap exemplified the teachings of scripture: “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.”[3]

The passing of his wife brought deep sorrow to Yap. A man of few words, he suffered grief deeply. As his neighbour, the writer and his family sensed Yap’s loneliness and the heaviness of his heart even as he walked up and down the staircase daily. He did not have a full time helper and sometimes, he would forget to turn off the stove, causing the food to be burnt. 

Some of the neighbours began to notice food packets being placed near his door. It was later discovered that they were from a fellow church member, Madam Grace Su. Her caring heart touched Yap and soon, love blossomed. Yap and Madam Su were married in Newton Life Church on January 23, 1988 to the joy of family and friends.

On May 1, 1995, Rev Yap invited his relatives and friends for a thanksgiving dinner. As he thanked everyone present, he said, “I shall seize what precious time I still have and serve the Lord whole-heartedly!”[4] It was totally unexpected that he would soon fall sick in June, after preaching on missions in Newton Life Church. He was diagnosed as suffering from lung cancer.

He suffered intense pain and increasingly, he needed strong painkillers. When he felt low in spirit, he would encourage himself by listening to his own sermons. Though physically weak, he continued to read God’s Word and write his meditations and words of encouragement for the people of God. Yap wrote two books in Chinese to encourage all followers of Jesus Christ: Issues the Pastor Faces and Life as A Christian.

Being the generous giver and caring pastor that he was, Yap offered his savings to set up a “Theological Lectureship Fund”  in order to bless God’s servants in three ways – Rest, Fellowship and Learning. 

Yap entered into glory in 1995, leaving behind his beloved wife. His motto – “For myself nothing I seek; from Jesus Christ nothing I keep” – continues to challenge us today in our walk with the Lord.[5]


  1. ^ Conversation with Rev Yap’s god-daughter, March 2022. 
  2. ^ Writer’s conversation and reports from the Principal’s Office. 
  3. ^  Holy Bible, Ephesians 5:25, ESV. 
  4. ^ Writer’s recollection, May 1, 1995. 
  5. ^ Writer’s recollection of this statement repeated many times in his association with Rev Yap. 

Rev Dr Michael Shen

The writer is the principal emeritus of Singapore Bible College.




Oral history from conversations the writer had with Rev Yap Un Han and his family during his ministry at the Singapore Bible College and his subsequent retirement.


Yap Un Han. Life as a Christian. Singapore: Church of Christ in Malaya, 1996.

Yap Un Han. Issues the Pastor Faces. Singapore: Golden Lampstand, 1997.